I am a proud Canadian, grateful for the freedom we enjoy. I cannot imagine life in a country where my husband and I could not raise our family in relative safety and work to support them through our own business ventures. I cannot imagine the worry over safety, health and education that so many in this world face daily. I cannot imagine life in a war-torn nation, the loss, the misery, the fear.
I am ever grateful for the sacrifices made by Canada's Service Men and Women; past, present and future. They have defended our country's freedom and so many have paid the ultimate price. I remember too, the loss and pain for their families left behind - thank you for your sacrifice also.
I am pleased to see that in our schools, Remembrance Day is still important. The power of this day in keeping the memory alive has been embedded in my heart since I was in school. I remember preparing for the school's celebration through art, poetry, song, and especially drama. Creating a piece of theatre each year, to bring the importance of this day home to so many younger students, remains a force in my heart each year at this time of remembrance.
Now I am honoured to see my own children, at such a tender age, grasping the meaning of this important time. They ask to be the wreath bearers for their class, they participate in the school ceremonies with the seriousness and respect appropriate for the occasion. They wear their poppies with pride. And now, my daughter prepares with her class for a special presentation of "Ordinary Love" where they will use music, song and movement to pay their respects and help us all to remember.
I am a proud Canadian. I Remember.