Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Lest We Forget

I am a proud Canadian, grateful for the freedom we enjoy.  I cannot imagine life in a country where my husband and I could not raise our family in relative safety and work to support them through our own business ventures.  I cannot imagine the worry over safety, health and education that so many in this world face daily. I cannot imagine life in a war-torn nation, the loss, the misery, the fear.

I am ever grateful for the sacrifices made by Canada's Service Men and Women; past, present and future.  They have defended our country's freedom and so many have paid the ultimate price. I remember too, the loss and pain for their families left behind - thank you for your sacrifice also.

I am pleased to see that in our schools, Remembrance Day is still important.  The power of this day in keeping the memory alive has been embedded in my heart since I was in school.  I remember preparing for the school's celebration through art, poetry, song, and especially drama.  Creating a piece of theatre each year, to bring the importance of this day home to so many younger students, remains a force in my heart each year at this time of remembrance.

Now I am honoured to see my own children, at such a tender age, grasping the meaning of this important time.  They ask to be the wreath bearers for their class, they participate in the school ceremonies with the seriousness and respect appropriate for the occasion.  They wear their poppies with pride.  And now, my daughter prepares with her class for a special presentation of "Ordinary Love" where they will use music, song and movement to pay their respects and help us all to remember.

I am a proud Canadian.  I Remember.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Ellen, Oprah, Is it Too Good to Be True?

I've often heard that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. I agree.

Like the phone call my husband received on the weekend announcing he had just won $3.5 million in a raffle.  Well, of course there was no raffle and the scam required a payment of $2500 to claim the prize.  But he was much too smart to fall for that one!

What about that cruise I just won?  Except that it requires me to fly to Florida at my expense, pay for a bunch of other things (blah, blah, blah - I tuned out) and listen to a high pressure sales presentation. No thanks!

Then there's the email about the $1 million inheritance I can receive from overseas, I just have to send $10,000 to help get the money into Canada. Delete!

There's also an amazing skin care regimen out there being supported by certain celebrities (and their airbrushed photos).  It's simple and you can get some "free" samples to try it out...but they aren't really free, if you don't return them after your 2 week trial, you are charged for them and added to the companies "autoship" so you get a new batch every month at a cost of $150 or more.  Really?

So, when it comes to your skin, ignore the empty promises and "too good to be true" miracle fixes! Your skin is always changing, new cells are born and older cells are dying all the time.  The real "secret" to great skin is to take care of it, all the time.  Twice a day.  Don't use soap, cleanse, exfoliate regularly, mask regularly, hydrate always, use sunscreen, keep your hands off!  That's the basic idea but I love helping my clients get the right regime for them.

With a great system of home care for your skin type, you are ready (if you choose) to pursue advanced facial treatments that will really help reduce the signs of aging, sun damage, broken capillaries, or acne. It's not one miracle cream or potion, it's a system.  It takes commitment.  IPL Skin Solutions, Microdermabrasion and Customized Facials can enhance your at-home regimen and will help you feel great about the skin you're in!  And that's not too good to be true!

Find out how at Pretty In Skin Laser Studio.  prettyinskin.ca

Friday, 10 October 2014

Gratitude should not be a lost art

Pausing to reflect as we enter the Thanksgiving Weekend....

I am thankful for my health and intellect,
I am thankful for the fingers I have to type this post,
I am thankful for the technology that has made this possible,
I am thankful for the roof over my head,
I am thankful for there is room under that roof for me to create a Laser Studio that is calming and relaxing, where I can invite you in to pamper your skin,
I am thankful for the education and training I am able to obtain so that I can make lives better while doing what I love,
I am thankful for the means to start my own business.

I am thankful to live in Canada and for the freedom and privileges we enjoy that make all of this possible,

But most of all I am thankful for the love of my family and friends and their amazing presence in my life!  I am thankful for my husband and the life we share and all that we have achieved together. I am thankful for my children who have changed my life in more ways than I could have imagined.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Skip Kijiji and Head Straight to Pretty In Skin for Falling Prices!

As I look out the window at the gorgeous colours of Autumn, I am reminded of the new beginnings associated with the turning of the leaves.  For most of us it brings back memories of a return to school and all the exciting changes that brings.  It may be even more exciting if you are parent watching your child go back to class (I know I did a dance of joy when my munchkins hopped back on the bus this year!)

As the leaves fall and the temperature drops, make time for a new beginning for you!  Most of us have something about our appearance that we would like to change, something that makes us lack confidence about the way we look.  My mission is to help you feel great about the skin you're in! When you feel great about your skin, your inner beauty will shine through!

Celebrate your new beginning this Autumn and focus on treatments like IPL Skin Rejuvenation, Microdermabrasion and Laser Hair Removal.  I have made it even easier to get the treatment you desire!  Check our website for all of our "Falling Prices" and great deals!  prettyinskin.ca

Fall is a great time to start a series of hair removal treatments.  You will need 6-10 treatments to reduce 95% of your unwanted hair.  Get started now so you can say goodbye to waxing and shaving by summer!

After several months of summer sunshine, your skin needs some pampering.  Microdermabrasion will remove unwanted dead skin cells to leave your skin soft and smooth.  Finish it up with a soothing collagen mask and your skin will thank you!

A series of IPL Skin Rejuvenation treatments can do wonders for the appearance of your skin.  If your issue is sun spots, broken capillaries, or fine lines, IPL is just what you have been looking for. This non-invasive treatment is tailored to your skin type and treats the skin issues that drive you nuts!  And, there's no downtime so you can resume most normal activities right away.

I look forward to hearing from you to see how I can help you feel great about the skin you're in!  And you can look forward to our "Falling Prices" and great deals on the treatments you choose!

Monday, 15 September 2014

Auburn Bay Women's Show and Sale

Looking for something to do this Saturday?  Check out the Auburn Bay Women's Show and Sale!

September 20, 2014
Auburn House
200 Auburn Bay Blvd SE
Calgary, AB

The show features local women business owners offering a range of products and services for sale.

We'll be there - visit our booth for great deals on Serene Skin Care.

Book your next treatment at the show and receive a special discount!

Admission is free and so is the child care!

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Enough Already...Goodbye Acne!

As if it wasn't enough that summer is over, what a bummer, you have to go back to class with acne, pimples, zits, blackheads, blemishes, ugh.  Whatever you call it, it can be embarrassing.  Kinda sucks, huh?

Well the good news is, help is around the corner!  Like all worthy opponents, the best strategy to fight that acne is to attack it on multiple levels.  Pretty In Skin has your acne weapons at the ready, the battle is on!

Step 1:  Hands off!  Start today and keep your hands off your face.  This is key to preventing more germs and bacteria from building up on your skin.  
Step 2:  No nit-picking, I mean zit-picking!  This can only lead to more scarring.  Leave the extractions to us!
Step 3:  Keep it clean!  It is important to clean your skin properly in the morning and at night!  We can help you find the right products for your skin.
Step 4:  Call in the pros!  Visit us for a consultation, acne facial, or acne IPL treatment.  A series of IPL treatments, once a week for 5 weeks, in conjunction with a proper cleansing routine is your best defense.

Just to get you started on the right track to your attack, we are offering a Back-to-School special!  Book your acne IPL treatment or package before September 30, 2014, and receive 25% off!


Thursday, 28 August 2014

You Won't Find This on Workopolis.com

So how did I go from planning conferences to opening my own laser studio?  An interesting journey to say the least!  I loved the world of planning conferences and events and bringing people together from all over the world to learn from each other.  I worked hard and had a great career...enter the biological clock...tick tock, tick tock...

Yes it was time, my amazing husband and I decided, to think about a family!  And with my honed planning skills, we planned our little family, the perfect fit for us.  First a handsome son with Daddy's charm and persuasive skills, not to mention the entrepreneurial spirit and natural athleticism!  Not long after, a beautiful daughter, with Mommy's sense of planning, she arrived naturally on the day I chose, not the due date science gave her, and brought with her a love of all things girly.

With two precious babes and part-time gig helping my husband with his growing company, there was no time or desire to return to my former career. Being the social butterfly, I could not just sit around with the kids and send out invoices for work my husband did...I had to re-invent my social network!  I needed good, grown-up conversations with like-minded women, where we could commiserate about sleepless nights, delight in first steps and first words, and also plan for some girl time, spa visits, nights away, sleeping in, shopping, eating...

These moments with such special women continue to help me make it through the challenges of motherhood, sharing our stories and lives until one day, the "first borns" head off to school, followed by siblings, excited to become big kids too. 

With post-partum struggles, toddler tantrums, and pre-school antics behind me, a new plan emerged in my head.  A plan to build a business that would help women, always their own worst critics, feel better about themselves, gain some self-esteem, and conquer what they felt were their flaws.  Not with counselling or self-help strategies but by addressing what bothers them most.  I see the beauty in people that they may not see themselves when they are focused on these perceived flaws.  And while I don't think removing some hair or smoothing a wrinkle is the answer for everyone, it can help a woman feel more confident about herself, so she can let her true beauty shine through, from the inside out!

That is what Pretty In Skin is all about, helping women to feel great about the skin they're in!


Welcome to Pretty In Skin Laser Studio!  Now open in Calgary, Alberta in the beautiful community of Auburn Bay.  We are easily accessible from Deerfoot Trail or Stoney Trail and located close to the South Calgary Health Campus and Seton Urban District.

Our services include: Laser Hair Removal, Microdermabrasion, IPL Skin Rejuventation, Acne treatment, and Facials.

For more information check our website: prettyinskin.ca